Complete below and sign. Make check payable to “MVH3” mail the form and check to Judy Critzer, 11216 Chestnut Grove Sq #218, Reston VA 20190. Alternatively bring rego to trail and give to a JM or to the Hash Cash. Don’t bother the ON SEC; they have enough to do.
__________________ ___________________ __________________
Hash Name Home hash Nerd (Legal) Name
_______________ ___________________ ___________________
Telephone # Email Address Dietary restrictions
(Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten or other allergies)
*I understand that my consent to these provisions is given in consideration for my being permitted to participate in this event, and that transportation and lodging are not covered by my registration fee. I am aware of and voluntarily assume the inherent risks of coming to an event of this nature built around running, walking, exercise and consuming alcohol over uncertain and potentially dangerous terrain, which may cause serious injury or death, and/or damage to my personal property. If I am injured, I agree that I will not hold responsible the Organizers, or any affiliated individuals, any run sponsor and/or their employees, and/or associated venues. In other words, I give informed consent and acknowledge that I alone will be accountable for myself and safety, and behave like a mature adult.
Nerd (Legal) Name Signature ______________________________________ Date______________
(by signing, you are agreeing to THE ABOVE* terms)
Print this page and submit with your check so that we can make sure to put you on the list of registrants.